The secret sound of Cologne

...a remake of our successful room

zwei blaue Noten
eine dunkle Discokugel
Grafik von einer Discokugel
eine schlaue Eule erwartet euch bei Spybrain


2-7 persons

Playing time

approx. 60 min.

Level of difficulty

moderately difficult


14 years and older

Fun factor

10 / 10

The Secret Sound of Cologne

The brand new escape room at Cologne’s Neumarkt

Die vergessene Jukebox

Important info: 

This game is a remake of the “magic music machine” room in Kartäuserwall. The rooms are about 70% the same as far as the puzzles are concerned.

If you have already played the music machine in Südstadt, you can of course still play this new version. Because a lot is new. But: We recommend you do this if you’ve been playing the original Musikmaschine for a while. We are revising all  our rooms regularly. If you have any questions, please contact us!

The story

An unnoticed danger is brewing over Cologne. The entire city is to be taken over, its inhabitants are to be rendered helpless and controlled by others. But what can we do about it?

Fortunately, there is an antidote. When the forgotten melody sounds, Cologne is protected. But that’s easier said than done…

What characterizes the secret sound of Cologne?

eine schlaue Eule erwartet euch bei Spybrain


The game and the puzzles from the magical music machine have had seven years to mature. Here we distil the best of this space into a remake - and go one better!


Immerse yourself in the story, surrounded by lovingly designed backdrops, supervised by our friendly game masters.
You don't just experience the story - you help shape it.


The “flow state” describes a feeling in which you completely lose track of time. You become completely absorbed in the small tasks and surprises that lie ahead. Our escape rooms are a good example of this.

What we can already show

You can see the big picture in person!

Story and mission: how does the secret sound... well, sound?

And once again: this room is a modernized copy (or new version) of the magical music machine! The games are 70% identical.

Grafik von einer Discokugel

Cologne is in danger!

A danger is lingering in the streets of Cologne, threatening the heart of the city. A group of unscrupulous businessmen are forging a plan to take over the city. Their goal: a jamming signal that eats through all communication channels and terrifies the population.

But there is a remedy: a mysterious machine that can play an even more mysterious tune. This machine is so powerful that it can be used to stop such invisible threats. Unfortunately, the machine has been forgotten in a back room in Cologne, owned by a busy musician called Dieter Behrenkamp.

When he hears the alarming rumor that his beloved hometown of “Kölle” is under threat, he knows that time is of the essence: The threat is real.The magical music machine must be activated and the forgotten melody must defeat the evil forces!

The forgotten melody against evil

But the device is old and complicated, and Dieter needs help. And he doesn’t want it to be just anyone. So he specifically looks for allies – people who love Cologne, who have courage and whom he can trust. Because this delicate matter must remain between insiders – the old instrument is too powerful and must not fall into the wrong hands.

Can you manage to save the entire city from disaster? Only you stand between the city and chaos!

Your mission:

This mission requires precise timing! You await Dieter’s instructions as to when and where you should be. And then off you go: find the old instrument, activate it and unleash the secret sound of Cologne!

If only it wasn’t so mysteriously hidden.

Time is short – and “Kölle” needs you!

Bild von einer Eule, die sich fragt ob ihr noch Fragen habt

Game concept

Hey attentive readers, we already know each other from the boxes above: the “secret sound” room is a remake of our magical music machine on Kartäuserwall.

All our games are geared towards the players: after all, you come to us to have fun. And since it’s a game, as I said, you’ll have to participate a little. Your task is to solve our many exciting puzzles.

As this room is a remake of an existing room, the gaming experience is particularly well-rounded and promises a great flow. And after all, the original, the magical music machine, is a TERPECA-nominated room – a strong and unusual achievement for such a fun escape room.

Game atmosphere

We had a lot of time to observe players in the game and learn how to build a properly rounded escape room. But does this also have an effect on the scenery?

But of course! Because we have also learned a lot here in recent years, have been inspired and have built games, puzzles and backdrops for ourselves and other providers.

And so “The Secret Sound” will be the Spybrain room with the most elaborate backdrops yet. We are investing heavily in lighting and sound technology to make the game feel even more real to you. And yet it should remain a game in which you can also play, and not just look at the backdrops on command.

So we’re keeping our typical style: you won’t be locked up, you won’t be scared, and we’ll take time for you and your visit.


This room was also developed and built entirely by the Spybrain team. We also have a reliable pool of experts on hand to provide us with advice and support.

We would also like to thank the whole team, friends and families who have supported us so much in setting up the new game.

With enigmatic greetings: Lars and Ralf

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